Annette Charles's birth name is Cardona, Annette.
Annette Bening was born on May 29, 1958
Annette Lawless's birth name is Annette Louise Lawless.
Annette Schwarz was born on March 26, 1984.
Annette Kerr's birth name is Catherine Annette Kerr Peacock.
Yes. He was once married to Nancy Alspaugh, currently, he is married to Annette Roque.
Roque is the man and the myth
Roque Valero's birth name is Roque Valero Prez.
Roque Foti has written: '\\'
Roque Baños was born in 1968.
Roque Ferreyra was born in 1810.
Roque Pérez was created in 1913.
Roque Pérez's population is 10,902.
Roque Dalton died in 1975.
Horácio Roque died in 2010.
Horácio Roque was born in 1944.
Roque Marciano was created in 2004.