Angel Ferdinand Marcos is a criminal. He is a con man that has been stealing money from people by saying he is the illegitimate son of a president.
Ferdinand Marcos was born on September 11, 1917.
Dovie Beams Evelin Hegyesi
Ferdiand and Imelda got married in 1986
Yes he is ,and that he is in China with his family(he is a 75% Chinese blooded by the way ) he is now 92 years old and that currently in Manila as he wants to die in here. This might be insane to think but this is the facts I also don't believe in.
Marcos Bonifacio da Rocha was born on 1976-03-07.
Angel Ferdinand Marcos is a criminal. He is a con man that has been stealing money from people by saying he is the illegitimate son of a president.
Ferdinand Marcos's birth name is Ferdinand Edralin Marcos.
what are the contribution of Ferdinand Marcos martial law!
Ferdinand Marcos was born on September 11, 1917.
Imelda Marcos
Ferdinand Marcos was born on September 11, 1917.
Ferdinand Marcos was not killed by anyone. He died of lupus in 1986. He was the President of the Philippines.
Ferdinand Marcos died in Honolulu, Hawaii on September 28, 1989.
The main factors that led to the fall of Ferdinand Marcos was his greed for money and power.
Ferdinand Marcos fathered four children during his lifetime with his wife, Imelda. His children names were Maria Imelda, Ferdinand, Irene, and Aimee.
Ferdinand Marcos, Jr., was born 1957-09-13.