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Q: Who is a celebrity that is related to Charlemagne?
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Related questions

How is George Washington related to Charlemagne?

George Washington is not directly related to Charlemagne. Charlemagne lived in the 9th century and George Washington lived in the 18th century, so there is a significant time gap between them. Additionally, Charlemagne's lineage did not directly continue to George Washington.

Who was Charlemagne related to?

Charlemagne's relatives formed the Carolingian Dynasty. A list of its more important members can be found by using the link below.

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What do Charlemagne and Byzantine emperors have in common?

Charlemagne and the Byzantine Emperors ruled countries with the same name, Empire of the Roman People. Since the Byzantines got the name first, they were a bit upset when Charlemagne took it. Please see the related question below for more information.

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they both have a few things in common with invlving the ead honcho. sush as Charlemagne

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no, she is not related, however they are celebrity look alikes :)

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yes because she is related to Lizzie McGuire

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he is an infoamous celebrity who is related to Sean connery and roger Moore

Who was King Charlemagne?

A king that was named charlemagne

What is Charlemagne's first and last name?

Obviously Charlemagne's first name is Charlemagne and Charlemagne's last name was Merovingian. His name stood for "Charles the Great"