William Shekey is a great man, brother and uncle to many people. He was a great friend, and would protect those that he loves. He is the toughest man I know, strong hearted and goal determined.
William Ashbrook died in 2009.
William Addis died in 1987. William Addis = Illuminati
William DuFresne's birth name is William Petty.
William Stephen Poyntz was born in 1770.
William Samson is 6' 4".
No, William Rufus was William the Conqueror's son. William I = William the Conqueror William II = William Rufus
william shakespears mum, william shakespears dad, william shakespears nan, william shakespears grandad, william shakespears uncle,william shakespears auntie and william shakespeare himself.
William April William July William February. Better answer: Monthly Bills.
William the Conqueror was William I of England. His son was William II and was king after him. The next William was not until the 1680's.
William the second is the son of William the first.
William Bradford.
If you mean William Shakespeare or William Congreve, the answer is yes. If you mean William Clinton or William the Conqueror, the answer is no. There have been a lot of guys called William over the years.
William of Normandy, William the Conqueror, William the Bastard, William I.
William the Conquerer
William who? for example William Wallace was Scottish William Tell was Swiss
William in Hawaiian is pronounced as "Wilame."