yes to his 2nd wife.
Skip Ewing was born on March 6, 1964.
Skip Ewing was born on March 6, 1964.
Country singer Skip Ewing is 53 years old (birthdate: March 6, 1964).
The song was first released in 1996 on Ewing's Christmas album, Following Yonder Star.
The song is Christmmas Carol by Skip Ewing.
He is married to Marni Little
Country singer Skip Ewing is 53 years old (birthdate: March 6, 1964).
The song is on the album "Follow Yonder Star" which was released in 1995.
Me and You sung by Kenny Chesney was written by Skip Ewing and Ray Herndon... awesome song!
If you're reffering to the Country Song, it's Skip Ewing which was covered by John Bowman and again by Dobie Toms