Carroll Shelby's birth name is Carroll Hall Shelby.
Shelby Bacon's birth name is Shelby Wesley Bacon.
Shelby marks is the number 1 female fighter
James Shelby Downard died in 1998.
Jerod Shelby is 42 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1968).
The address of the Shelby Branch Library is: 23323 Shelby Road, Shelby, 46377 0237
There are 9 cities named Shelby in the United States and 11 cities with Shelby in the name. They are: 1. Shelby, Alabama 2. Shelby, Indiana 3. Shelby, Iowa 4. Shelby, Michigan 5. Shelby, Mississippi 6. Shelby, Montana 7. Shelby, Nebraska 8. Shelby, North Carolina 9. Shelby, Ohio 10. Camp Shelby, Mississippi 11. Shelby Gap, Kentucky
If my name is Shelby:Bonjour! Je m'appelle Shelby. (Hello! My name is Shelby.)If your name is Shelby:Bonjour! Ta nom est Shelby. (Hello! Your name is Shelby.)
The Hawaiian name for Shelby is "Kelebe."
The address of the Shelby Community Library is: 650 N. Walnut, Shelby, 68662 0146
Shelby Atchinson's birth name is Shelby Atchison.
Shelby Tony's birth name is Shelby Skiba.
Shelby Wills's birth name is Shelby Stair.
The Shelby logo is a Cobra.
Carroll Shelby's birth name is Carroll Hall Shelby.