sam steele is john de mesa...john de mesa means john of table.....john has a sick name
Sam steele is the world's first police officer
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Yes.Cassie Steele is the older sister of Alex Steele.
Cynthia Steele Vance's birth name is Cynthia Steele.
Colt Steele is 6'.
Sam steele is the world's first police officer
January 5 1849 Sam Steele was born in Purbrook, Ontario, Canada West
The cast of Steele - 2013 includes: Sam Meleady as Edward Steele Dominic Mills as William Steele
bc fgbfgvbv
Sam Steele died on 1919-01-30.
Sam Steele had six children with his wife Marie: Flora, Mary, Harwood, George, Daisy, and Samuel Jr. They were a close-knit family and their descendants continue to honor Sam Steele's legacy.
Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: USA:G (certificate #46356)
I dont no 4 a reson
Jacob Hays has: Played himself in "Entertainment Tonight" in 1981. Played himself in "The View" in 1997. Played himself in "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" in 2003. Played Benjamin Silverstein in "Benjamin Silverstein" in 2006. Played Jason Collins in "Matchmaker Mary" in 2008. Played Sam Steele Jr. in "Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency" in 2009. Played Sam Steele Jr. in "Sam Steele and the Crystal Chalice" in 2011.
Holly Quan has written: 'Sam Steele'
His Interest was A Officer of the north west mounted Police
A great frontier hero, Mounted Policeman and soldier of the Queen.