His heart is deeper than the ocean. His soul is transfixed to the rotation of the earth.
His spirit is tangible...
Randy Owen's birth name is Randy Yeuell Owen.
Randy Holcomb's birth name is Randy A. Holcomb Sr..
Randy Orton is married. July 21, 2008 Samatha (Randy's wife) doesn't allow Randy to date.
iam also searching ans of this qustion i think randy is jewish No Randy Orton is not Jewish!!
Randy Starkman was born in 1960.
no randy is RANDY, RANDY, RANDY
Randy Travis Randy Travis
"hey randy can i borrow your hose." then after randy turns the hose on him he says " immaturitay randy = immaturity randy"
"Te amo Randy" or "Randy, te amo" or "Te quiero mucho Randy"
Randy Molique goes by Randy Mo.
Randy Hanser goes by Randy Hanser.
Randy Orton's birth name is Randall 'Randy' Keith Orton
Randy Randolph's birth name is Randy Feinberg.
Randy Barco is 5' 11".
Randy Owen's birth name is Randy Yeuell Owen.
I think that randy's rko stands for Randy's Knock out RKO stands for Randy Orton's full name: R- Randal or Randy K- Keith O- Orton or... Randy's Knock Out just a thought mates....
His name is no randy its raymoind