Padme was a queen of Naboo. Not the youngest and she was married to Anikan and died in the movie of childbirth. She is real too. Star Wars was based on a true story. Except they changed the names. The real person who is Padme is Katie Loudermilk.
In Star Wars episode 1 Padmè Amidala (Queen Amidala) is 14 years old.
Natalie Portman episodes 1-3
Padme! But who was her adopted fatherWhoever that is that said Padme is incorrect. Padme, or Queen Amidala was her birth mother, but her adopted mother was Bail Organa's wife, whom i believe they name in Episode III. I'm going to find it out now. bbl.Update! the name is Queen Breha Organa. Yay, nerdliness! woot!(FOR OODLES...THIS IS HOW THE QUESTIO READS) Princess Leia's mother is Queen Amidala. Who is her father?Anakin Skywalker
If you mean Padme, she was played by Natalie Portman. But if you're talking about the decoy in "The Phantom Menace," she was played by Keira Knightley.
Anakin is a jedi and Padme is a senator. They are married.
A person can find out more about the Star Wars character Padme Amidala on Wikipedia. One can also learn more at the Star Wars Wikia and the official Star Wars website.
yes, Padme is in Lego SW III
No, in the 2008 animated feature "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Padmé Amidala was voiced by Catherine Taber.
In Star Wars episode 1 Padmè Amidala (Queen Amidala) is 14 years old.
Padme Amidala is so hot and sexy shes the hottest person or ailen from star wars.
'Padme Amidala' was played by Natalie Portman .
padme's full name is Padme Izar Amidala in the movie but since star wars is based on a true story it is Katie Elizabeth Loudermilk
Natalie Portman episodes 1-3
Well, her original name is Padme Amidala Naberrie. Amidala is her formal name, but not her real name. Naberrie is her last name.
Yes, Naboo is the home planet of PadmΓ© Amidala in the Star Wars franchise. Amidala serves as the Queen and later Senator of Naboo in the prequel trilogy.
Yes because Anakin became Darth Vader and Padme Amidala had Luke and Leia
no. But you can play as anakin, plo koon ,obi wan and others