it's Scherzinger (Nicole Prescovia Elikolani Valiente Scherzinger)
The Bratz dolls unfortunately do not have last names.
She now lives in Oregon, still Nicole of course, but a different last name, which I will not divulge. Nicole and her family want their lives to be free of publicity.
Nicole Blythe's birth name is Nicole Tiffany Blythe.
Nicole Peplinski's birth name is Nicole Marie Peplinski.
Nicole Scherzinger
Nicole Elikolani Prescovia Scherzinger
Nicole Scherzinger
Nicole Scherzinger
Nicole Scherzinger
Nicole Sherzinger.
Her name is Nicole Scherzinger..and she gone solo now! :)
Nicole Sherzinger Ashley Roberts Kimberley ???? Jessica Sutta ????? ??????
her last name is :Schezinger.
Her name is Nicole Scherzinger, the lead of the Pussycat Dolls
Mrs. Watterson's first name is Nicole.
Nicole Elikolani Valiente Prescovia Scherzinger (she joined The Pussycat Dolls using the stage name Nicole Kea) is not of Indian descent. She is one half Filipino, one quarter Russian, and one quarter Hawaiian. She was born in Hawaii to a Filipino father. She was raised in Loisville, Kentucky.