Nassim Haramein is a Swiss born physicist known for his new take on the structure of the universe
Nassim Si Ahmed is 176 cm.
The cast of Nass - 2001 includes: Baki Davrak Soraya Gomaa
The cast of Spellbound - 2002 includes: Harry Altman as Himself - Spelling Bee Participant Ned Andrews as himself Angela Arenivar as Herself - Spelling Bee Participant Jacques Bailly as himself Ted Brigham as Himself - Spelling Bee Participant April DeGideo as Herself - Spelling Bee Participant William Dolan as himself Eric Enders as himself Geoff Hooper as himself Neil Kadakia as Himself - Spelling Bee Participant Katie Kerwin McCrimmon as herself Paige Kimble as Herself - National Spelling Bee Director and 1981 National Champion Jonathan Knisely as Himself - 1971 National Champion Vinay Krupadev as Boy Who Says Yenta Nupur Lala as Herself - Spelling Bee Participant Neelima Marupudi as Herself - Potter County Champion Lindy McGarraugh as Herself - Ranch Owner Scott McGarraugh as Himself - Ranch Owner Sydnor Mehr Richkind as himself Alexander Mohapatra as himself Balu Natarajan as Himself - 1985 National Champion Frank Neuhauser as Himself - 1925 National Champion Shuojing Song as himself Emily Stagg as Herself - Spelling Bee Participant Amee Tejani as herself George Thampy as Himself - Spelling Bee Participant Ashley White as Herself - Spelling Bee Participant
The cast of The Ideal - 2011 includes: Shannon Beddiges Theodore Berry Kristen Brancaccio as Julia Scarlet Brito Dennis Brito as Mr. Octavio Zenidro Evan Bruce Carolina Capellan Alexandra Cavallo Philip Costa II Mauricio Delgado Nina Dornhein as German teacher Anna Drootin Becky Drootin Venessa Faraclas as Teacher in the hallway Lucia Fernandez Jack Florczak as Student Jacob Halober Taylor Handschuh Lannell Jefferson Kanika Jones as Student Aaron Karp Amanda Keen Bijin Matthew Devin Maullo Stephan Mayas Jeffrey Merrigan Sarah Moheban Betty Moheban Rachel Moheban Jonattan Packles Rivka Rappoport Meribely Sanchez Taylir Sanchez Thomas Scott Roberts as Mr. Wellington Robert Sherbine as Mr. Beamy Devorah Stern Brian Thorn Alyna Torres Emily Wacha
aliens. trust me, for more information look up nassim haramein pyramids on youtube, he will tell you
Nassim Boukmacha was born in 1987.
Nassim Oudahmane was born in 1987.
Nassim Maalouf was born in 1941.
David Nassim goes by Fizz.
Nassim Si Ahmed is 176 cm.
Nassim Benkhodja was born on 1985-02-02.
Nassim Banouas was born on 1986-09-08.
Nassim Dehouche was born on 1982-08-12.
Nassim Bouchema was born on 1988-05-05.
Nassim Akrour was born on 1974-07-10.
Nassim Bounekdja was born on 1976-10-23.