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His mom... no just kidding. Mickey is mad at rocky because rocky was being a bum. He saw rocky had talent but was afraid to use it. At least I think I don't remember to well has been years since I've seen rocky

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Rockys trainer, played by Burgess Meredith

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Q: Who is Mickey in the movie Rocky?
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The movie Rocky what was the name of Rocky's trainer?


Was Rocky Balboa based on a true story?

rocky films are considered based off the story of rocky marciano, but that is not true. rocky is actually historical fiction, because in rocky IV he goes to russia to fight Ivan drago during the cold war. rocky is not off rocky marciano because in rocky V rocky has a flash back about mickey his trainer, and mickey in the flash back gives him a neckless . mickey received this neckless from rocky marciano, at the same time that rocky balboa was a fighter in the movie.

How did rocky meet mickey?

becuse the were and they

Where was Rocky's trainer Mickey buried in the film Rocky III?

A synagogue.

Who was rocky trainer in the original rocky?

In the film, his trainer was Mickey Goldmill, who in the story is an ex-bantamweight boxer from the 20's and the owner of the gym that Rocky starts out in.

How old was Mickey Rooney when he did the voice of Kris Kringle?

He was 50 when he voiced Kris Kringle in the ABC-TV stop-action movie "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" (1970). He was 85 in 2005 when he voiced Santa in the NBC TV-movie "The Happy Elf" (2005).

How did Mickey die in rocky?

Heart attack

Why did they have mickey die in rocky 3?

His heart gave out because he knew Rocky was going to lose. Rocky was "keeping him alive" (said in Rocky V.) And Rocky was going to "die" in the ring.

What was his onscreen name of the coach in the rocky movies?

Mickey Goldmill played by Burgess Meredith.

What funny characters are on cards?

Well the truth is any character can be on a card! From Mickey Mouse to Rocky,any character can be on a card! Not just movie characters,but perhaps the Kardashians and all.

What was rocky balboa's weight and height in the last rocky movie?

The last Rocky movie was Balboa. Rocky Balboa's weight and height in the movie was 195 pounds and his height was 5ft and 9in.

Where did rocky train?

The primary location for the first two movies was Mickey's gym. In Rocky III, he trains with Apollo at locations in Los Angeles, and on the Pacific Ocean beach at Santa Monica. In Rocky IV, he trains in Russia (the Ural Mountains). The actual locations are in Wyoming and British Columbia. In Rocky V, he trains Tommy Gunn at Mickey's gym (willed to Rocky's son).