Debbie Pollack's birth name is Deborah Ruth Pollack.
Paradox Pollack is 5' 11".
Ed Harris in the film Pollack.
She is the one who broke Matt Hooper's heart
Ellie, Peggy, Mary, and Ellen
Mary Ellen Gaines's birth name is Mary Ellen Davis.
Mary Ellen Kay's birth name is Mary Ellen Keaggy.
mary ellen jam
Ellen Mary Clerke died in 1906.
The Mary Ellen Carter was created in 1979.
Mary Ellen Bamford died in 1946.
Ellen Mary Clerke was born in 1840.
Mary Ellen Bews died in 1945.
Mary Ellen Bews was born in 1856.
Mary Ellen Clark was born in 1962.
Mary Ellen Pleasant was born in 1814.
Mary Ellen Wohl was born in 1932.