Meat Loaf was born on September 27, 1947
noodles and strawberry sauce
Marvin Lee Aday - aka the singer MeatLoaf '...was the first child of Wilma Artie (née Hukel), a school teacher and a member of the Vo-di-o-do Girls gospel quartet, and Orvis Wesley Aday...' Source: Wikipedia !
Yes, Meat Loaf is indeed alive and kicking.
Michael Lee Aday (Meat Loaf) is 65 years old (birthdate: September 27, 1947).
Michael Lee Aday (born Marvin Lee Aday)
Meat Loaf was born on September 27, 1947
Marvin Lee Aday
Marvin Lee Aday
Marvin Lee Aday
meat loaf
noodles and strawberry sauce
The biker in Rocky Horror Picture Show was the singer Meatloaf(AKA Marvin Lee Aday and Micheal Lee Aday)
Marvin Lee Aday - aka the singer MeatLoaf '...was the first child of Wilma Artie (née Hukel), a school teacher and a member of the Vo-di-o-do Girls gospel quartet, and Orvis Wesley Aday...' Source: Wikipedia !
Yes, Meat Loaf is indeed alive and kicking.
Meat Loaf is a person...born Marvin Lee Aday on Sept. 27, 1951
James Hetfield is 45 years old. He was born August 3, 1963.