She is a singer. Try using AnswerTips and Double click on the name Lumidee in either the question or the answer here. Lumidee
Lumidee's birth name is Lumidee Cedeo.
lumidee is 26 years old she was born 1984.
Unexpected - Lumidee album - was created in 2006.
full name is: Lumiana DeRosa but is known as Lumidee which is a really cool name!
Lumidee was born on August 24, 1984, in Spanish Harlem, New York, USA.
The name of the song is called "Oh Oh" by Lumidee herself
puerto rican
You can watch Lumidee videos online at websites such as YouTube and Dailymotion. You can also catch their videos on the MTV television channel during their music video segments.
drug smuggling at LaGuardia airport In NYC
i think its beyonce-crazy in love or lumidee-never leave you
David Hasselhoff, Lumidee, and Patrick Swayze
Lumidee has: Played herself in "Soul Train" in 1971. Played herself in "Popworld" in 2001. Performed in "The New Tom Green Show" in 2003. Played herself in "MOBO Awards 2003" in 2003. Played herself in "Planet Voice" in 2004.