Berliner FV was created in 1910.
Emile Berliner was born on May 20, 1851 and died on August 3, 1929. Emile Berliner would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 164 years old today.
Trude Berliner was born on February 28, 1903, in Berlin, Germany.
In 1877, German immigrant, Emile Berliner invented the microphone.
Lou Whitaker goes by Sweet Lou.
Alan Berliner's birth name is Alan Jay Berliner.
Emile Berliner had 3 daughters, the 2nd, 5th and 7th of his children. Hanna Edith Berliner, 1884-1934 Louise Berliner, 1894-1967 Alice Elizabeth Berliner, 1900-1963
it means "I am a Berliner" -> Berlin is the capital city of Germany and "Berliner" is a person who is from Berlin
Berliner FV was created in 1910.
Berliner RC was created in 1926.
Berliner Landespokal was created in 1906.
Berliner Symphoniker was created in 1967.
Manfred Berliner was born in 1853.
Berliner Tageblatt ended in 1939.
Berliner Tageblatt was created in 1872.
Agneta Berliner was born in 1958.
Cora Berliner died in 1942.