Arlon Ober's birth name is Arlon Lee Eric Ober.
Laura Delano's birth name is Laura Delano Duncan.
Laura Linney's birth name is Laura Leggett Linney.
Laura Kai Chen is 5' 5 1/2".
Laura McCrillis is 5' 7".
Arlon was created in 950.
Arlon ended in 1221.
Arlon Ober's birth name is Arlon Lee Eric Ober.
Arlon Lindner was born on 1935-08-03.
Arlon Ober was born on March 9, 1943, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Arlon Ober died on December 20, 2004, in Port Richey, Florida, USA.
Arlon Valentine ...
No. The capital city of Luxembourg is itself called Luxembourg.
Antwerp. First is Brussels.
Maurice Muller has written: 'Arlon en cartos postales anciennes' -- subject(s): Pictorial works
The Petersons' are a family Christian band consisting of Arlon and Jan and seven children. More information can be found at the Peterson Family website or on their Facebook page.