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An ugly person.

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Q: Who is Julia Beitzinger?
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Julia Frost goes by Julia Atherton, Julia Marie, and Julia-Marie Frost.

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Mi chiamo Julia - my name is Julia or io sono Julia - I'm Julia

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Julia English's birth name is Constance Julia Magoncia.

In what order does ann b ross miss Julia books in?

All of Ann B Ross's books are labeled with a number. The series goes like Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind, Miss Julia Takes Over, Miss Julia Throws a Wedding, Miss Julia Hits the Road, Miss Julia Meets Her Match, Miss Julia's School of Beauty, Miss Julia Strikes Back, Miss Julia Paints the Town, Miss Julia Delivers the Goods, Miss Julia Renews Her Vows, Miss Julia Rocks the Cradle, Miss Julia to the Rescue, Miss Julia Stirs Up, Miss Julia's Marvelous Makeover, and Miss Julia's Gift: A Penguin Special from Viking.

How is the name Julia spelled in polish?

The name Julia is spelled the same in Polish. It is written as "Julia" in the Polish language.

Who wrote the book Julia's Kitchen?

Julia's Kitchen was written by Julia Child.

How do you say Julia in pulish?

"Julia" in Polish is exactly the same word: "Julia".