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He was Emily's boyfriend. Who broke she broke up with later

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Isaac is a boy who dated Emily on the books, his character doesn't exist on the show. He also gets her pregnant.

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Q: Who is Issac on Pretty Little Liars?
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Yes Emily Fields gets pregnant to Issac a boy she dated and had sex with that helped her realise she is Bi, she had it during the summer and hid it from her parents. I LOVE PRETTY LITTLE LIARS

Who is Issac from Pretty Little Liars?

Isaac is Emily's boyfriend in Pretty Little Liars. Yes, they hook up. BUT, Isaac breaks up with Emily when she technically tells him that this mom is totally psycho. He doesn't believe her, even though it's true.

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Unforanently, in the 11 books out so far, Issac and Emily do not get back together, but Emily does have Issac's child during the summer (she was pregnant).

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