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This Is Unknown.....They Have Not Mentioned It In The Anime Or Manga.....

It Might Be That She Was Killed During The Nine Tails Attack...But This Is Impossible Because Konohamaru Was'nt Born During That Time.....The Only Known Family He Has Is....His Uncle Asuma Sarutobi And The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi...And Also In The Subbed Naruto Shippuden He Calls Naruto Uzumakki....Brother Naruto...Konohamaru Thinks If Him As A Big Brother......

Family Tree:

Sasuke Sarutobi

Hiruzen Sarutobi

Uknown (Konohamarus Father/Mother) Asuma Sarutobi


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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

she doesnt have one shes dead:(

who knows? she was pretty and looked like hanabi (hinata's sister) a little. she died when hinata was like 5 or 6

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