Hilda was played by Sigrid Valdis. She was the secretary for Colonel Klink. She married Bob Crane who played Hogan.
During syndication, those who took part in profit participation would see some of the royalties. Bob and other members of the cast and crew decided to invest in Hogan’s Heroes. As official profit participants of the series, they comprised the group known as “Hogan’s Horde.
Masi Oka.
Matt Parkman
"Rockets or Romance" ; Hogan becomes the partner of a beautiful underground agent when he and his men team up with the underground to destroy a guided missile battery .
On the TV show Hogan's Heroes, Sergeant Andrew Carter (lieutenant in the premiere episode) was the explosive specialist of 'Hogan's Heroes'. He was often looked down on from the others because of his many mistakes and dim-witted comments. Newkirk could be considered his best friend. He also was very talented at gin rummy. Carter was played by Larry Hovis.
Bob Crane,Werner Klemperer,John Banner,Larry Hovis,Robert Clary and Ivan Dixon,and of course Richard Dawson
During syndication, those who took part in profit participation would see some of the royalties. Bob and other members of the cast and crew decided to invest in Hogan’s Heroes. As official profit participants of the series, they comprised the group known as “Hogan’s Horde.
On Hogan's Heroes, Newkirk is a corporal.
On Hogan's Heroes, Kinchloe is a sergeant.
LeBeau is a corporal on Hogan's Heroes.
as far as i know if you're talking about the tv show, yes heroes is over.
On the TV show Hogan's Heroes, Tiger (a recurring character) is an important [female] member of the French Underground. She is played by Arlene Martel.
To make money.
Masi Oka
Around 2000.
On Hogan's Heroes, Klink is a colonel and kommandant of Stalag 13.
hulk hogans catoon