well um i never seen gavin degraw in 1977 and his parents well um he has a family he has aunts uncles and cousins and friends
Gavin Hetherington's birth name is Gavin Scott Hetherington.
Gavin Arvizo's birth name is Gavin Arvizo Ventura.
No, Gavin DeGraw does not smoke.
Gavin Muir - British actor - died on 2002-07-15.
Gavin MacLeod is 5' 11".
Marjorie Levesque
most likely
Gavin adam
Gavin DeGraw's father is Irish, and his mother has a Russian/Jewish background. It has been reported that Gavin grew up in a Christian home.
His name is Gavin Rossdale
Gavin DeGraw is a famous singer known for the song I Don't Want To Be. His father is named Wayne DeGraw and he was a prison guard in New York, where Gavin was raised.
Kimberly Guilfoyle's son's father is her first husband, Gavin Newsom. They were married from 2001 to 2006.
A character from the novel Legatum by L.L Brunk. Gavin is a successful business man who is very savvy and charismatic. He is the father to the protagonist of the story Nicholas Moore. Gavin is friend's with angels and God's and he does business with the likes of them, along with the elite of humanity.
Gavin is her father. Sharon is her mother. She has a sister and a brother. Mollie and Josh are their names.
My parents were close friends of jim.Him and my father flew together . He died in 2005.
"Gavin" is spelled G-A-V-I-N.