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She Dates Princeton she is a model

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Q: Who is Deajee Evans?
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Who is Deajee Evans Is she a model?

Deajee Evans is best known for dating several members of the band Mindless Behavior. Deajee Evans also has an extensive modeling career in the United States.

Who does Deajee Evans Date?

She Says She is single

Where does deajee Evans live?

She lives in DC

Who does Deajee evans like?

She is Single but she says her crush is Drake an Princeton!

Does deajee Evans have a Fansite?

No, she isn't Famous! She is JUST a model.Chill guys

Who is Deajee Evans dating?

She Now dates Princeton from mindless behavior

Was Deajee Evans hanging With MB today?

No she got a autograph an said Hey I Think

What grade and what age do you have to be to date mindless behavior?

Princetons Girlfriend Deajee Evans is 14

Does princeton from mindless behavior have a crush on a model?

Yes Her name is Deajee Evans she has pictures of them together in her Instagram :(

Why does Princeton Have kissing pics with That deajee Evans girl That's what I heard?

No Sure but my friend said she saw them

Is Deajee Evans famous Who is she?

She was a baby model for Sears, an she now models.. We go to Modeling School Together

Does Princeton date anyone?

This girl named deajee Evans, she's a model on her Instagram deajee_dior is there pis together :(