Craig Fairbrass is 6' 3".
Danny Bruzzi is 5' 9".
Danny Malin's birth name is Daniel Raymond Malin.
If you are talking about the movie "Matilda" it was Danny Devito.
Danny may well have money but he is rich in what money cannot buy - humanity! I know Danny from years ago but life took us on different journeys. Wish him continued success for the future!
Craig Fairbrass is 6' 3".
The cast of Hard Sell Short - 2005 includes: Craig Fairbrass as Danny Bleak
the best 5 anglers in no order are : .matt hayes .john wilson .terry hearn .danny fairbrass .and nigel botherway
Fred Fairbrass was born on November 3, 1963.
Craig Fairbrass was born in 1964, in Mile End, London, England, UK.
Richard Fairbrass was born on September 22, 1953, in East Grinstead, Sussex, England, UK.
No he is not. Have known him for years
Craig Fairbrass
The cast of Silvertown - 2016 includes: Craig Fairbrass as Ray
The cast of The Operative - 2010 includes: Craig Fairbrass as John Beech