There is not any one famous of historical value to be found with the name Danny Shoemann. Perhaps this person has gone by another name.
Danny Bruzzi is 5' 9".
Danny Malin's birth name is Daniel Raymond Malin.
If you are talking about the movie "Matilda" it was Danny Devito.
No, Danny Masterson is not single.
Danny Strong is 5' 2".
People who eat spicy foods are usually from a warmer climate like Korea. In warm climate, food tends to spoil quickly, and so it is traditionally more heavily spiced, both to keep it preserved longer and to hide the taste of the spoilage. Each warm-climate culture develops its own combination of favorite spices. Some people also think that you can cool down on a hot day by eating spicy foods and sweating.
Danny Dean and The Homewreckers goes by Danny Phillips, Danny Dean Phillips, and Danny Dean.
Danny Falco goes by Danny.
Danny Feigelson goes by Danny.
Danny Noyes goes by Danny.
Danny Herb goes by Danny.
Danny Hassel goes by Danny.
Danny Bruzzi is 5' 9".
Danny, the main character from "Danny, the Champion of the World," is nine years old.
Danny Kass goes by Danny, and DK.
Danny Darren goes by Danny Darren.