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Dain is Thorin's cousin, a Dwarf from the Iron Hills. Thorin sends a raven to summon Dain and his army to help defend the treasure under the Lonely Mountain from the men and elves after Smaug is slain.

Dain and Thorin join forces with the men and elves to defeat the evil creatures. He is crowned King under the Mountain after Thorin dies in the Battle of Five Armies.

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Q: Who is Dain in 'The Hobbit'?
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Is dain from The Hobbit good or bad?

He is good.

Why does dain give away the silver and gold in The Hobbit?

To keep the promises of the dead.

In the story the hobbit how does Thorin know Dain?

They are relatives, and also leaders of their respective groups of their people.

In 'The Hobbit' what gifts does Dain give?

Treasure from Lonely Mountain (gold and silver for Bilbo).

What are the characters in 'The Hobbit'?

Bilbo, Balin, Bard, Beorn, Bofur, Dain, Fili, Gloin, Kili and many more.

In the book The Hobbit what did Dain and his army request?

Their first request was to let them go through to the mountain, but that was not allowed. At the end, Dain took control of the treasure and re-established the dwarven kingdom Under the Mountain.

Who was an ally to the group in The Hobbit?

The great eagles were allies. Beorn was an ally too. And later Dain Ironfoot proved to be an ally.

How do you characterize Dain the hobbit?

Dain only has a small part in the book, but from what we see, he seems honorable. He made peace with the elves, shows respect to his departed cousin, became king, and went through with the previous deal to share treasure with Bard and the elves.

In The Hobbit who becomes the king after Thorin is dead?

The dwarfs resettled the lonely mountain (Erebor) and made it their capital, they forged a strong alliance with the men of Dale (who had helped kill Smaug).

Who becomes leader after Gandalf leaves the expedition?

If you are referring to The Hobbit, then Thorin.But, if you are referring to The Lord of the Rings, then that would Aragon.

When was Dain Blanton born?

Dain Blanton was born in 1971.