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Craig Crippen jr

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Does Craig crippen jr have Twitter?

No he doesn't.

What is Prodigy's real name from mindless behavior?

Prodigy is apparently Craig Crippen Jr. (born December 26, 1996).(*some sources still list his name, correctly or not, as Craig Johnson - in the CD booklet, Craig's father was identified as Craig Crippen, Sr. - so there is a Jr. even if it is notProdigy)

What is prodigy real name?

Trey Simmonsgian parks He is chinesecraig crippen

What is Craig crippen jr birthday?

march 5 1962

How old is Craig Crippen from Mindless Behavior?

Craig Crippen Jr. (Prodigy from Mindless Behavior) is 21 years old, born December 26, 1996. (Note some sources still list his name, correctly or not, as Craig Johnson- in a CD booklet, Craig's father is identified as Craig Crippen, Sr.)

Is prodigy real name Craig damion crippen jr?

yes it is

What is progity real name off of mindless behavior?

Craig Crippen Jr.

What is Craig crippen jr real number?

323 425 6742

What is prodigy from Mindless Behavior full name?

craig damion crippen jr.

Do prodigy off mindless behavior have a whole name?

yes its craig crippen jr.