He sings a song called "Yes I Can" that is why he is famousBecause of his best friend Justin Bieber??im not sure..
well kyle peters is christian beadles best friend and his twitter is @kylepeterss so he is just well known.
No christian beadles is not fake
She is Caitlin Beadles and Christian Beadles cousin!
Christian's middle name is Jacob. Christian Jacob Beadles
Christian Beadles is home schooled now but his best friend was and still is David Ballew.
Justin Bieber Oh Christian Beadles is Justin Bieber's best friend
Justin Bieber met Catlin Beadles by Christian Beadles, Christian is Justins best friend and Catlin's little brother.
Christian Beadles was born in 1996. But he isen't justins best friend. Ryan butler is justins best friend.
Catlin Beadles, Christian Beadles (Justin Biebers best friend) sister.
Justin Bieber has 1 best friend,Christian Beadles
Caitlyn Beadles aka Christian Beadles, Justin Bieber's best friend's older sister.
Christian Beadles is Justin Biebers best friend, lives in Atlanta, Georgia, his birthday is November 21, he turned 15 this year, and has a younger and older sister.
He is Justin Biebers best friend, and he started to sent videos out on youtube.
Christian Beadles was born on November 22, 1996. He is a longtime friend of Justin Bieber.
Christian Beadles can play the guitar because he is Justin Bieber's friend. =]