a filipino architect,the one who design the baclaran church,and some of the buildings in U.P. diliman
Charo Santos-Concio was born on 1955-10-27.
don cesar
Cesar Pierry was born in 1955, in Argentina.
Cesar Sanudo died on 2011-08-28.
Cesar Romero was born on February 15, 1907
Caesar Homer Concio
Charo Santos-Concio was born on 1955-10-27.
Cesar Montano's birth name is Cesar Manhilot.
Cesar V
Cesar Lazcano's birth name is Cesar Alejandro Lazcano.
Ed Cesar's birth name is Cesar, Edison Martin.
Kuya Cesar's birth name is Cesar L. Nucum.
Cesar Tovar's birth name is Cesar Leonardo Tovar.
Cesar Leonardo's birth name is Cesar Leonardo Aramburu.
Cesar Gochez's birth name is Cesar Steve Gochez.
he kept moving to different states because his parents were slaves which were Mexicans h ent to almost 600 schools but he was really smart
How do we celebrate Cesar Chavez Day?How do we celebrate Cesar Chavez Day?