Eiichiro Oda goes by Oda-san.
No, Eiichiro Oda is alive as of 2015.
Eiichiro Oda is 42 years old (birthdate: January 1, 1975).
Oda Nobunaga was born on June 23, 1534 and died on June 21, 1582. Oda Nobunaga would have been 47 years old at the time of death or 481 years old today.
Carolyn Weidell is 5' 9".
his wife is Carolyn Oda.
Gary Soto's wife, Carolyn Oda, is a pediatrician by profession.
Eiichiro Oda goes by Oda-san.
Oda Pretschner's birth name is Oda Jekaterina Pretzschner.
If you mean the author Gary Soto then yes he is married!When he was working on his graduate degree he met Carolyn Oda.She is a Japanese-American. Soto and Oda had 1 daughter Mariko.
Oda Nielsen's birth name is Oda Laurenze Helmine Larssen.
Christian Oda is 4'.
Oda Katsunaga died in 1582.
Ano ang halimbawa ng oda?
Oda Nobunaga was a daimyo of Japan
Shigeru Oda was born in 1924.
Saint Oda was born in 680.