Barbara Dunkelman goes by Barbara Punkelman, and BlawnDee.
Barbara Angely's birth name is Barbara Meller.
Barbara Knox's birth name is Barbara Brothwood.
Barbara Janke was born in 1947.
Barbara Friz's birth name is Barbara Andrea Friz.
Barbara Palvin was born on 1993-10-08.
Yes, as of December 2013, Niall Horan is dating Barbara Palvin.
No. Barbara Palvin says the Lion King outing was an innocent excursion with a group of Bieber's friends, Palvin's sister, and her agent. They were not dating whatsoever
1.72 cm
Michael Jackson
No. They are not dating.
Light Brown
a dark blond (:
blue <3
No Offence to anyone that likes her but I hope not!!