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Q: Who is Aviva commercial star in internet cafe?
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Rock-Star Cafe - 2012 was released on: USA: 4 June 2012 (internet)

Where is star chat in star girl?

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Where is the star cafe on fantage?

Downtown on the left

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it's in the star cafe

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in the star cafe

Where do you get a glow stick in Fantage?

at the party at star cafe 2010

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well you have to go out then go back in

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Rock-Star Cafe - 2012 America's Talent Show 1-3 was released on: USA: 25 March 2013

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Internet Killed the Video Star was created in 2000.

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Cherrio's commercial

Who does the voiceover for the Aviva commercial?

The voice over person you seek is Christine Lahti.

Is alexi wasser in the on star commercial?
