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Her Imperial Highness, Alexandra Romanov, Nee Alicia Von Hess (like the gasoline). Stacy"s mother was German,not a good thing when you are making war with the Central powers (Germany, mainly) In War I.) as near as I can figure she (The empress Alexandra ) does not appear in the Anastasia cartoon even in a cameo role though she might be (just a picture) in family portraits. There is some evidence that the real Czarina (which was her title, Anastasia was merely a Czarevna or crown princess also ranking as a Grand Duchess) was possibly an alcoholic and may have been addicted to pain-killing drugs as she walked with a limp late in the war period- it is not known how she got the limp. Her lady in Waiting One of the baronesses , acquired the limp as a result of a railroad accident, she was treated by Rasputin, that was Annas Wybarova, who may have introduced the Empress to her(Faith?? Healer) Onthe other hand Both Alexandra and the Dowager Empress appear in the Amy Irving Mini series and one gets to know both of these Royal women as characters, In effect there are Three Queens in action in the Amy Irving mini=series, Alexandra, The Dowager empress Marie, and the title character. The Four sisters are shown in a sort of cameo at a Kremlin dance party in the beginning where they are formally announced. Tatiana is corectly pronounced as ( Ta=Shawn=Ah) by the way. OTMA!

In Russia they pronounce Tatiana , Tat'yana, it's the accent they have that make it sound there is a s in there but if you listen carefully there is not one. Also Alexandra was really Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova (The girls had an a at the end of the last name) Her birth given name was not Alicia it was Victoria Alix Helena Louise Beatrice, but she was called Alix, her mother even said that she spelt it Alix so the Germans wouldn't mess her name up like they did to Alexandra's mothers name which was Alice.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

She was born at the palace of Peterhof on the Gulf of Finland

In the Kremlin Winter Palace in St.Petersburg, June l8,l90l. It is noteworthy she always preferred the older Czarist Capital city- St. Petersburg to Moscow, though both had capital status. St.Petersburg is sometimes jocularily called (Stacy-Town) after you know who!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova .

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