In the anime series D.gray-man, Allen Walker, a young Exorcist who joined the Black Order after training with his master General Cross Marian. When presenting himself to the organization, he is mistaken for an enemy and is attacked by another Exorcist, Yu Kanda. However, once the mistake is realized, Lenalee Lee prevents any Kanda from causing further mishap. Once inside the headquarters, Allen learns he is the prophesied "Destroyer of Time" who is the only one who can defeat the Millennium Earl. As the series progresses, Allen meets many of the members of the Black Order headquarters as well as those in other branches worldwide. He eventually meets a young, aspiring bookman called Lavi and his predecessor Bookman, who follow Allen on his adventures to witness and record the events for the bookman's record. Allen also encounters the antagonist the Millennium Earl, his akuma army, and the Noah Family, a group of humans who aid the Earl in his plot to destroy humanity.
He is the fictional protagonist of D.gray Man (manga 2005 and anime 2006).
No one knows exactly how old Allen is because he was abandoned by his parents. He is thought be 15 at the start of the series.
The whole order also claim that he's 15 as well. But after he gets his arm back (2nd-3rd series), he's 16.
Allen Walker Read died in 2002.
he is 15
No he does not, he is rescued by the Asian branch and is held in there until he recovers.
if you are referring to when the dark order threw him in prison, it was because he is a member of the noah clan. dun-dun-DUN(dramatic music). it turns out that mana(the person who raised allen) was the brother of neah(the 14th noah) and when neah died his memories went to allen therefore making allen the 14th noah.
Though he is implanted with Nea Walker, he does not become evil. If you do not know who Nea is, he is Mana's brother who was a Noah. Nea wiped out all the Noah Clan except for Road and the Milliuim Earl (Hoping to be the next Earl of Milliuim) Allen can controll Noah's Ark not only because of the symbols he and Mana made but because he has Nea. No, Allen is not bad but he sees Nea in dreams and reflections. Nea does take over his body and once told the Earl of Milliuim that he would kill him. Allen does not intend to be evil, but sometimes Nea does. Hope this helps!!
Allen Walker's birthday is December 25
Allen Walker Read died in 2002.
Allen Walker Read was born in 1906.
Todd Haberkorn voices Allen Walker .
Road Kamelot
70 or 71
allen walker lagura
Lavi and Lenalee have shown romantic feelings or thoughts towards Allen.
They are, I think they are brothers.
he is 15