What actors and actresses appeared in Chef School - 2007?
The cast of Kitchen Nightmares - 2007 includes: Jayce Alexander
Basques as himself Jesse Blaze Snider as himself Samantha Boretti
as Herself - Server Amy Bouzaglo as herself Samy Bouzaglo as
himself Sara Boyle as Herself - Server Michael Cabbibo Michael
Cabbibo as Prep Chef Lisa Caradonna as Herself - Owner Lisa
Cerundolo as Herself - Owner Sebastian Di Modica as himself Jeff
Feagles as himself Jean Gould as Herself - Owner Matthew Holly as
Disgruntled Man at Table James Koshak as himself Scott Leibfried as
Sous-Chef Sharneil Lett as Herself - Prep Cook Naris Mardirosian
Rita Moran as Herself - Owner Alfred Nevoso as himself Gordon
Ramsay as himself Gordon Ramsay as Himself - Chef Heidi Rodney as
Restaurant Patron at Bar Kim Seeley Kim Seeley as Sous-Chef Chris
Snee as himself Dee Snider as himself Xandy Sussan as Cafe Hon
Diner Constance Tillotson as herself