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me hehehehe.......

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Q: Who invented carnival rides?
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Related questions

Where can one purchase carnival rides?

Carnival rides can be purchased at many carnivals around the world. Whether it be a local temporary carnival or a famous year round carnival they all have great rides.

Are badgers carnival?

A carnival is a place for rides, not for badgers. Wow. Learn to spell.

Where can you rent cheap amusement rides?

The carnival.

What is a carney man?

Someone who works the rides at a carnival.

Why was carnival invented?

=can u qickly tell me why was carnival invented please!.=

Can you ride carnival rides at 8 weeks pregnant?

Unfortunately, no. :(

Does the Illinois state fair have carnival rides?

yes lots

On the story tangerine Why did Paul go on a carnival rides?

because he

Does Busch Gardens have carnival rides?

I wouldn't call them carnival rides but it has a little kids Ferris wheel and a merry go round. Busch gardens main attractions are roller coasters.

How much do carnival rides cost?

well , if your in England all carnival rides cost sbout 99p but if your in America sorry hun i dunno sorry if your in America byiee xx :-p

Is a carnival a type of animal?

No, a carnival is not a type of animal. A carnival is a party that is thrown. Often times, this party will have rides that people can participate in, and food stands.

What sort of rides were in Michael Jacksons Garden?

Farris wheel, marry go round, carnival rides ect.