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DevilDriver set the world record for largest, most dangerous mosh pit in the world in 2008 when 18 people were hospitalized with critical injuries after their set at Ozzfest. Two men died, and a woman was paralyzed from the waist down.

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Q: Who holds the record for biggest mosh pit?
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Related questions

How do you mosh in a mosh pit safely?

To mosh in a mosh pit in a safe way, one needs to make sure not to fall over. Similarly, one should stay at the edge of the mosh pit and take regular breaks from moshing. You don't.... Tyler.

When was Mosh Pit On Disney created?

Mosh Pit On Disney was created on 2004-08-02.

How do you protect your new gauges in a mosh pit?

Stay out of the mosh pit. Only a fool would rush into a mosh pit after stretching piercings, I don't consider you a fool, so stay out until the piercings have settled down ( about 2 weeks or more) .

Is it a crime to hit someone in a mosh pit if they say they were fine after it happend?

The logical defense against being charged with a crime is that being in a mosh pit is consenting to what happens in a mosh pit. No one would get in there without knowing what the risks are, and so are accepting the risk.

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What do you do in your first concert?

wall of death and mosh pit

Has anyone ever died in a mosh pit?

Uhh , I Died In A Effin Mosh Pitt Bishh! (; Juss Kidding .

What does the term mosh pit mean?

A mosh pit is an designated area directly in front of the stage where a live concert is taking place. Mosh pits became popular in the 1980's during the American hard core punk rock era.

How do you get to the front of a mosh pit?

push and beat your way through.

How do you mosh in a mosh pit?

kind of a mega easy answer all you do is swing your fists around and kick and push it's not hard to do

Are there mosh pits at the strokes concerts?

There are times where Alex Gaskarth (lead singer) will actually ask fans to make a mosh pit. So yes, There are occasional mosh pits. Not to many though!

Why were John Shavo and Daron from System of a Down fighting?

They weren't fighting, there was a gigantic mosh pit in the crowd; and John, for unknown reasons, wanted to be in a mosh pit at the time. He aimed his sight at his fellow band member, (Shavo) and started his own mosh. Then Daron, being the partier that he is, joined in as well.