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My guess is Mick Foley... He's Cactus Jack, Mankind, Dude Love, and probably has other WWE personalities.

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Q: Who has broken the most bones in WWE?
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What is the world record for most broken bones?

There is no official world record for the most broken bones as this is not a category recognized by any governing body. Additionally, having multiple broken bones can vary in severity and complexity, making it difficult to quantify a specific number as a record.

When was The Broken Bones created?

The Broken Bones was created in 2000.

What happend to the undertaker on WWE?

yes he is in a vegetative state hes dead and cant talk or move it is true not the storyline

Are the most common sports injuries to the muscles tendons ligaments and bones of the human body?

Most likely leg sprains and broken bones.

Is the undertaker in vegetarian state?

why is everbody asking this? No he is not dead, nor is he in that whatever you call it state.

How many bones have Rodney mullen broken?

he has not broken any bones to this day .

Did Neil Armstrong have any broken bones as a child?

No.He Did not have any broken bones.

Do all broken bones hurt and swell?

No. You may not be aware of some broken bones

Who sings the song in the most recent the cleaner commercial?

Rev Theory - Broken Bones

Does skin heal broken bones?

No. Broken bones need to be repaired through surgery or reset.

When was The Lost Broken Bones created?

The Lost Broken Bones was created on -20-02-01.

How many bones has Jordan yates from purenrg broke?

Jordan has broken 6 bones. He has broken his arms 5 times and his ankle once! Most he said were from skate boarding! Haha! Hope I helped! =)