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As of August 2013 there are over 213,000 people who have the surname of Ellis. The last name of Ellis is currently the 121st most popular last name in the United States.

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Why Cindy Ann ellis? I can help you. Contact me on

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Is Sterling a Jewish surname?

Likely not, unless it was anglicized when someone immigrated to this country, which happen often as European Jews arrived at Ellis Island.

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Ruth Ellis was the last woman to be hanged. A man by the surname Bentley was the last man to be hanged.

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Gray Ellis's birth name is Dominique Ellis.

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Linguistically, it is an English name.Before coming to America this surname was spelled "Staci" pronounced Like Saucey with a T.The people who came into New York's Ellis Island with this name in the early 1900's were of Sicilian decent, from Sicily and Italy. To fit in better with the American culture they Americanized the spelling to "Stacy"

Where is the Ellis Public Library in Ellis located?

The address of the Ellis Public Library is: 907 Washington, Ellis, 67637 0107

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The cast of The Education Of Ellis - 2013 includes: Ellis Hopkins as Ellis

Does Liz Ellis have bothers or sisters?

Liz Ellis has a sister, kath Ellis

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