There are two dogs introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.Fluffy is the three-headed dog guarding the trapdoor on the third floor corridor, and Fang is Hagrid's pet dog.
In the sitcom "The Munsters," the family's pets are named Spot (a dragon under the stairs), Kitty (a lion), and Igor (a bat). However, there is no pet named Fluffy in the show.
Eddie's pet dragon was named Spot .
His pet rat was named Ben and he made a song about him too.
Justin Bieber has a pet dog which is a papillion called Sam.
The name of Cartman's pet pig in South Park is Fluffy.
He is Samantha's father also a scientist who did experiments on people also on Samantha's pet dog named fluffy also the pet. Dog was a German Shepard
Most people name their pet after a family member. My mum named her first dog William, as she was there will her uncle Bill (real name William), and I named my current dog after that William. He is William II. But the more common pet names are Lucky and Fluffy, ones like that.
Yes , the are cute fluffy
it is named Fluffy.
My favorite pet is a dog because they're so fluffy and especially loyal to their owners.
yes jackie robinson had a pet. it was a dog named fluffy. fluffy was brown and black.
The Lincoln's dog in Springfield was Fido, and in the White House they had a dog named Jip. Fido was the first dog of a president that was photographed. The name Fido means "faithful". Fido was a floppy-eared, rough-coated, yellowish colored dog .Abraham Lincoln's dog was named fluffy i think it was white or some thing but it had to be fluffy to be named fluffy
Fluffy is, there are more than 300,000 dogs named Fluffy
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