

Who founded subway?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Subway was founded by Fred DeLuca in 1966.

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Where does subway meat come from?

Subway is an American restaurant, founded in Connecticut.

Who are the foundres of subway?

owners of Subway, was founded by Fred De Luca and Peter Buck in 1966

What year did subway first open?

2006 & was co-founded by Fred DeLuca :)

How long has subway been running?

a couple of minutesor maybe a few seconds

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They founded successful businesses, and they are rich.

When did the first Subway restaurant open?

The first Subway Restaurant was established in 1965. Subway has been around for almost 50 years. The fifty year mark will be in 2015. Subway is known for its taste and for being a healthier choice.

Has Jamaica a subway?

No. Jamaica does not have a subway.

What is the first name of the Subway guy featured in Subway commercials?

The first name of the Subway guy featured in Subway commercials is Jared.

What is the plural of subway?

Subways is the plural for subway.

How can you put subway in a sentence?

subway is delicious

What is the name of the subway in New York?

New York City Subway, or just the subway, or MTA.

What are the benefits of using a subway card?

Some of the benefits of using a Subway card including being made eligible for certain special offers from Subway and becoming a member with access to the Subway Rewards program. One can earn points for using their Subway card to purchase Subway items. These points can be put towards the future redeeming of Subway products at Subway stores that participate.