No she isn't, first it is Mona then it is the real Ali. Look up Pretty Little Liars on Wikipedia, it tells you everything!
All of the books in the Pretty Little Liars series
yupp but then lucas breaks up with her cuz he thinks she is to obsesed about being popular
CuCirca. Write Pretty Little Liars into the toolbar. Click the first option. Pick your episode. Click the big RED Arrow/play button Wait. Click the big GREEN Arrow/play button. Watch. No download. No Sign-up. No Fee. Legal. Watch up to 72 minutes at a time. No Virus. Quick Loading.
I don't know about the others but Holly Marie Combs (Piper) is playing Aria's mother in the ABCFamily series Pretty Little Liars
No.No, Hannah didn't die on Pretty Little Liars
No. She ends up in the hospital.
no it was mona and she doesnt die she ends up in the hospital
When Courtney is murdered, Allison ends up in a mental institution.
You can go to and look up pretty little liars :)
Both. It`s hard to tell. She either ends up with Maya or Isaac.
Okay well this is a spoilier but Aria ends up being a and then she kills one of the liars im not tell you which one!
They teamed up against the liars.
The 3rd season of Pretty Little Liars returns on June 14, 2011
In the books, Melissa ends up going to the hospital. She is fine except for a broken arm.
the marathon's are always on at the last episode of pretty little liars, and the first episode. you can look it up on "hulu" or type in abc family pretty little liars and the episode name online if you want :)
If you want to get A's text from Pretty Little Liars go to and click on Pretty Little Liars under "shows", then you have to like sign up for emails and texts and you'll get them.