In Book 7, Chapter 29 she clearly states that she is madly in love with her mom. Wrong In Book 7, Chapter 28 Paragraph 29 sentence 7.
Ron Weasley is madly in love with Hermione Granger and Hermione is madly in love with Ron Weasley they start loving each other on the Chamber of Secrets.
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley got married because they love each other.
Harry likes Hermione in the way that they are best friends. However, they were never romantically linked in any way, nor did one have a crush on the other. JK Rowling said she considered having them fall in love, but she decided Hermione and Ron were a better match.
No. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley got married. Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger have never had romantic feelings for one another.
He loves her as a friend but he loves Ginny properly although he did love her once when they kissed!
Ron gets really upset when Hermione starts getting closer to Victor. Hermione gets upset when Ron dates Lavender Brown. Then, in the 7th book, Ron and Hermione fall in love. They spend more and more time together. In the 7th book they have a fight, but later, they make up. Towards the end of The Deathly Hallows, Ron and Hermione run into each other and share a huge kiss (right in the mouth). "Do you have to do it right now"? Harry moans. (They are in a huge problem...Voldermort has returned and is trying to invade Hogwarts). Ron and Hermione fall deeply in love....REALLY, REALLY, deep love. So, that is why. Hope this answered your question. In the third film, Hermione cries when Buckbeak is supposedly executed and cuddles Ron. She also spends time with Ron in Hogsmeade at the Shrieking Shack before Harry appears and it seems as if they are acting like a new couple that are awkwardly testing their relationship as an item. However, this is more obvious when Ron and Hermione have the argument at the bottom of the stairs in the fourth book and film. If you really look at the books and get to understand Hermione, then I guess you could say that she started to admire Ron in the first book for his courage in difficult situations although his panicking with the Devil's Snare. It also becomes apparent when Ron defends Hermione's blood status in the second book when Draco Malfoy calls her a Mud-Blood.
Harry falls in love with Ron's sister, they get married and Ron marries Hermione.
Ron Weasley.
No, Hermione used Cormac to make Ron jealous. But Cormac did like Hermione though.
Hermione like Viktor Krum from Durmstrang. She didn't fancy Cedric but had no objections to him as a person as she never really knew him.
Harry loves Hermione like a sister.
That's how it is the books.
It is 'Snape', and no, he is not.
Hermione Granger
In the official books, Snape is not in love with Hermione at any moment. Sounds like fan-fiction.
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley got married because they love each other.
Love has no reason.