Tonks, Lupin, Mad-Eye, Fred, a lot of Death Eaters, Voldemort, Wormtail and a whole bunch of others
lavendar brown
bellatrix lesrange
The very last "person" to die is Lord Voldemort.
Fred Weasley dies at the hand of a death eater in the prescence of his two brothers Ron and Percy, as well as Hermione and Harry.
The first book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(American title) or Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(other countries). The last book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Cedric Diggory.
The last movie is named Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
The last Harry Potter movie to play in theaters will be 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' Part 2.
Snape dies in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (book 7, the last) on page 658 and his last words, spoken to Harry, were "Look ... at ... me ..."
Many people.
it tells who lives and who dies
No one knows whether Harry Potter, and whoever else dies in the last movie. They've not leaked any information on who dies and what events happen within this movie.
Harry potter 7 is Ginny NOT dies.
There is no "Harry Potter 8".
Voldemort dies, Harry does not.
Many people, the last one to die is Voldemort.
Fred Weasley dies at the hand of a death eater in the prescence of his two brothers Ron and Percy, as well as Hermione and Harry.
Harry dies
yes bellatrix dies at the end of the novel
On youtube.