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Q: Who did the voice for little bear?
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Who is the voice of Yogi Bear in the new film of that name?

Dan Aykroyd provided the voice of Yogi Bear .

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Little Bear - 1995 Little Little Bear was released on: USA: 27 December 2002

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No, Big Bear does not have more than Little Bear. Little Bear has less than Big Bear.

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Little Bear - 1995 Little Bear's Egg was released on: USA: 5 May 2003

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Little Bear - 1995 Little Bear and the Wind was released on: USA: 30 April 2003

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Little Bear - 1995 Little Bear's Surprise was released on: USA: 14 March 2003

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Ursa Minor The Little Bear The Little Dipper The Bear Cub The Northern Bear The Wagon The Arctic Bear The Lesser Bear The Small Bear The Baby Bear

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Little Bear - 1995 What Will Little Bear Wear Hide and Seek Little Bear Goes to the Moon 1-1 was released on: USA: 6 November 1995

Who does voice for Smokey Bear?

Sam Elliot

What do you called a small bear or little bear?

If by small or little bear you mean a baby bear, then it is called a bear cub, otherwise it is just called a bear

Who does Boo Boo voice in Yogi Bear?

Justin Timberlake does the voice in the 2010 movie.

What is the Big Bear and little bear?

Big Bear and Little Bear are well-known asterisms within the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Big Bear refers to the seven bright stars that form the shape of a bear, also known as the Big Dipper. Little Bear is a smaller asterism also known as the Little Dipper, which includes the North Star or Polaris.