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Will Byers

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Q: Who did model bryson handrich audition for in stranger things?
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How can you audition for Disney's Gravity Falls?

They have already started filming the final season of Stranger Things so you can't audition but if you want to try an audition for other TV shows or movies you can go to Kids Casting or if you aren't a kid just Casting! P.S. the Kids Casting and Casting thing are websites but this website just didn't let me add the full name of the website

When was Stranger Things - song - created?

Stranger Things - song - was created in 1997.

When was Stranger Things - album - created?

Stranger Things - album - was created on 2006-07-25.

Who plays MAD MAX in Stranger Things?

MADMAX (Maxine, Max) is played by Sadie Sink in Stranger Things.

whats the opposite of stranger things?

calm things?

Why is it called 'Stranger Things' and not 'Strange Things'?

Because Stranger things are happening over that town called Hawkins, Indiana (btw, not a real place.)

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When was Stranger Things Have Happened - Ronnie Milsap album - created?

Stranger Things Have Happened - Ronnie Milsap album - was created in 1989.

In Stranger Things, who is the girl that plays Eleven?

Millie Bobby Brown (aka my IDOL) plays Eleven/Jane/El on Stranger Things.

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Stranger Things Have Happened - Justin Guarini album - was created in 2005-12.

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