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Q: Who did john Hurston remarry after Lucy Hurston died?
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Zora Neale Hurston's father was John Hurston, who was a Baptist preacher and carpenter. He influenced her interest in storytelling and folklore from a young age.

Who were Zora Neale Hurston's parents?

John Hurston and Lucy Ann Hurston (née Potts) were the parents of Zora Neale Hurston.

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no he didnt

How did Zora Neale Hurston connect with African American heritage to strengthen her efforts?

Born: January 7,1891 Birth Place:Notasulga,Alabama Died: January 28, 1960 Death Place: Fort Pierce,Florida Occupation: Folklorist, Anthrapologist, Novelist, Shot Story Writer Books: "Their Eyes Were Watching" Ifluences: Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, and Zodie Smith Parents: John Hurston, Lucy Ann Hurston Graduated from Morgan Acacdemy

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John Lucy was born in 1859.

Who was Zora Neale Hurston married to?

Zora Neale Hurston was married to Herbert Sheen, John M. Hurston, and Albert Price III.

Did john a cooper have kids?

yes he did her name is Lucy the song Lucy is about his died dather That is incorrect. You are dumb. John Cooper is married to Korey Cooper, and he has two kids, Alexandria (Alex) and Xavier (Xav). Get your facts straight, bro. The song Lucy wasn't written about John's kid. And also, a bit of literacy might help.

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It has not been confirmed if John Cooper is related to Lucy in the song Lucy. Lucy is about a young couple who had an abortion, and John Cooper says that Lucy is very personal to him. As he says this, fans speculate that he could have been part of the young couple that had an abortion.

Did john Wilkes booth marry Lucy Lambert hale?

No, Booth and Hale were engaged but he died before they could marry.

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The Lucy Show - 1962 Lucy and John Wayne 5-10 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

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I Love Lucy - 1951 Lucy and John Wayne 5-2 was released on: USA: 10 October 1955