Music written in a major key sounds happy. Music written in a minor key sounds sad.
Unfortunately know there is not going to be a third season, I was kinda sad because there wasn't going to be one. In my opinion I think there should be one, in which Angelique returns, with a little romance put in ;) ....but unfortunately there will not be sad...D:
The Pikes tour at times as a three piece group. Merl dropped out. He is amazing and it is very sad that he did this. Jay puts out a lot of music and Bryan does a lot of music related work.
Aventura sings Bachata which is Spanish Music. Aventura is the KOB (King Of Bachata).
If your bored or sad call a friend or do something you love to do. Your friends can help you feel better or get excited. Doing something can be a career for you. It can also make you happy like with me when I listen to music I feel better.
sad song
romance which has a sad / twisted ending. a romance which is destined to end badly.
the violin
I have relaxing and calm music and sounds on my YT channel AuroraCow that help people to relaxing and sleep. It can also help you with other kinds of meditation and focus.
Out Of Every Episode Of Shugo Chara I Think I Saw Him Blush In 1 Episode When He Was Playing The Violin and amu says his music was sad yet beautiful.
Monodies. From Webster's Online Dictionary. Synonym = elegies. Some synonyms of the synonym are: threnodies, lamentations, plaints, complaints, jeremiads
it was sad music
Usually they are called "tearjerckers" but romance and drama movies are normally pretty sad, too.
A lot of times listening to sad music when I'm feeling sad makes me feel better. It helps get the emotion out so you can move on.
thay like sad music in esponol thay like sad music in esponol
No. it is actually very comical with a hint of romance.
The song is called To zanarkand.