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Q: Who composed the rite of spring?
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The rite of spring was composed by?

The Rite of Spring was choreographed by Vaslov Nijinsky, and was set to music composed by Igor Stravinsky.

Names of the three Ballets of Stravinski?

He composed not three but four ballets for the Ballets russesThe FirebirdPetrouchkaThe Rite of Spring andAppolon Musagetes

The Rite of Spring composed by Igor Stravinsky was an example of what Romaticism primitivism or expressionism?

the percussive use of dissonance, polyrhythms and polytonality.

Who choregraphed Rite of Spring?

The Rite of Spring was choreographed by Vaslav Nijinksy in 1913.

When was Rite of Spring - song - created?

Rite of Spring - song - was created in 2007.

The Rite of Spring is based on?

a pagan ritual. The Rite of Spring is likely based on the pagan ceremonies at the time the ballet was written.

Who commissioned The Rite of Spring and why?


What makes Stravinsky's the Rite of spring nationalistic?

Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring is Nationalistic because it re-creates sacrificial rites of ancient Russia.

What is the instrumentation for the Rite of Spring?

need it for a project

Where was The Rite of Spring first performed?


What is the most famous Stravinsky composition?

The most famous (and controversial) composition created by Stravinsky was a ballet entitled The Rite of Spring. He composed it in 1913 and it was based on old Russian pagan traditions.

What actors and actresses appeared in Rite of Spring - 2009?

The cast of Rite of Spring - 2009 includes: Nicolai Farver as Mr. Winters Isabelle Ullman as Persephone