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It was a man from the Italians. His name was Ve Mar De Duscan. It was a verry hot day and he was hungry for something sweet. He was trying to figure it out when he was eating ice. And he saw some cream in the fridge. When he got older, he got those material, and one more thing. Sugar. Another thing, little salt rocks. But a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of sugar. He tested his new invention outside on a hot day, about 100 degrees faranhight. Licked his new invention, and it was delicious! He already figured out the name of the invention from those two ingredients. ICE AND CREAM!!!. So he named it.... ICE CREAM.

Now in these days, people put more stuff in it, but still use ica and cream. ( iT WAS BETTER BACK THEN THOUGH!!)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

In 2004 or 2005, Charles Lankau started singing the "I am the Ice Cream Man" song, which he claims to have made up. He had been playing Halo and his character's colors reminded him of ice cream. Then, he got in a warthog and ran people over, so he made up the song, which obviously relates to his video-game-playing.

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How can you start an ice cream business without money?

steal the ice cream and a van and a lil kid in back to make a tune while driving round =]

Why is ice cream called ice cream?

Ice cream is simply named as it is cream (with or without added flavourings) simply frozen.

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no, its called ICE cream for a reason....

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It was created by people working for Dancingon ice and it doesn't have a name. It's just called the Dancing on ice theme tune

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ice cream vender

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A gelati.

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Root beer with ice cream is called a Root Beer Float. I don't think there is a specific name if the ice cream is chocolate.

An Alaskan dish of berries lard and fish is called an eskimo what?

Akutaq (also spelt aqutaq) aka Eskimo ice cream..

How do you called a person who sells ice cream?

the most common name is ice cream man

Is there a flower called ice cream?

No there is not

What is the latin for ice cream?

The Latin word for ice cream is Ultrices. Whereas an Ice cream cone would be called glacie-crepito conum in Latin.

What year did the Victorians bring out the ice cream?

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Seriously, Ice cream pre-dates the Victorian era The Romans had ice cream, may be not the same as we have today but they called it ice cream. As did the ancient Egyptians.